Submit Letters to the Editor
The Letters section seeks to promote thoughtful, diverse community dialogue. It is a forum where our readers may express opinions on issues — particularly those addressed by recent articles, commentary or other letters in Xpress. We welcome your submissions, subject to the following guidelines:
- Suggested letter length is 300 words or less. Longer letters are sometimes published, but they are subject to our abridgement. (That is, we may shorten them.) The writer’s name, mailing address, daytime telephone number MUST be included, along with e-mail address, if available. Only the name and place of residence are published with the letter; the additional information is for verification purposes and is not released.
- As a general rule, we do not publish open letters, anonymous letters, form letters (including Web-based texts), or letters also submitted to or printed in other publications. We do not publish poetry in the Letters section.
- We prefer to receive letters as plain-text e-mail. (Our mail server may automatically reject HTML-formatted e-mail.) Otherwise, we ask that letters be typed, if possible. If handwritten, please take care to make them legible.
- Xpress retains the right to edit all letters chosen for publication.
- Priority goes to writers from within our circulation area and letters on local subjects.
- Published letters appear both in print and online. Letters remain available in the archives on our website.
- Writers are generally limited to one published letter every 30 days.
- We cannot acknowledge or return letters that aren’t used.
Send letters as follows (plain-text e-mail only; no attachments or HTML)
Postal mail
Letters to the Editor
Mountain Xpress
P.O. Box 144
Asheville, NC 28802
(828) 251-1311 (marked “Letter to the Editor”)
If you have further questions, please contact Tracy Rose in the news department at 828.251.1333, or simply email